Multan (AsiaNews) says.... 'More than 40 people, including several prominent Muslims, took part in a seminar on the 'Concept of God in Christianity'. The purpose of the gathering was to improve understanding of Christian traditions and promote tangible ways to build "bridges of peace" between Pakistan's Muslim and Christian communities. Participant received a copy of the Bible as a gift. Held in Multan (Punjab) on 12-15 June, the three-day initiative came from Asher William, director of a Christian organisation, Pakistan Outreach, that promotes interreligious dialogue, social harmony and the word of God.' Read full article
Training and Evangelism

(1) To train more then 100 students for evangelism and
(2) To do evangelism in the streets, market, parks and other public places.
On 30th June Apostle Asher will teach in a Youth Seminar (name places withheld for security reasons). The Apostolic Team want to raise-up an Evangelistic Team from that area.
Their Mission slogan is to 'PREACH, REACH to EACH'.
Apostle Asher says, 'It's a big task but we have a Great God with us. We are very hopeful that by your prayers we will win many souls for His Kingdom. So, please join hands with us in prayer. Revival is on the way! Pakistan will be saved and we will win this battle.'
Please donate to the work in Pakistan: make a donation
Mission Report

Praise God that the mission led by Apostle Asher
and some of the Apostolic Team from Multan Pakistan to the northern area of Pakistan was
a huge success.
Please support the work in Pakistan:
Wow! What an awesome work you are doing. We pray that God blesses you as you advance the kingdom and impact lives. @powetry
A great credit to The Way Christian Ministries.
I implore people to invest in prayer, giving and volunteering in this life changing ministry. Great use of technology to pastor church worldwide with Limited resources. God will bless the work of your hands Pastor Peter and Nancy.
Keep up this good work.
David Wilford CEO HCC Bradford
I am very blessed to read your comments. Its really blessed work of Lord. I did not have seen this kind of work in my life. Leadership of Islam were hungry for the Bibles. Holy Spirit is working, we are blessed. Keep praying for us. Tonight we are going for next mission in northern area. More prayers required.
Asher William
Shalom, Its very blessed time of our lives, never seen such kind of hungriness for Bibles from Muslim leaders. Lord love them and want to save. Keep praying for His Kingdom.
Love in Christ
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