Friday, 29 June 2012


McKenzie’s Companion - a Unique Christian Discipleship Course

My brand new book is available to buy now.

McKenzie’s Companion provides illuminating and life-changing insight into the word of God; nuggets of short, succinct, easy to apply principles into what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

McKenzie’s Companion, comes packaged with Who is McKenzie? Read together, this unique devotional course will give you a deeper insight into how scripture is applied in an everyday context.

McKenzie’s Companion will enrich and nourish your life by the power of God’s word and the Holy Spirit working together to lead you into a closer walk with Jesus….

McKenzie’s Companion (A Life Changing Journey with Jesus) is a collection of short, easy to read devotionals that can be read by Christians for personal edification or by curious non-Christians as an exploration of selected scriptures from the bible. Read together, the reader will discover the scriptural context of McKenzie’s scenarios and, hopefully, through that, will see how Jesus Christ can be relevant, if not essential, in their own lives.
Group or Individual Study
The chapters of both McKenzie books relate to each other; chapter one lines up with chapter one, chapter two with chapter two….and so on, in each book.
I have placed the three questions on a fresh page after each short devotional in McKenzie’s Companion (A Life Changing Journey with Jesus) leaving about one-third of the page blank under each question for the answers. In this way, the book will also become the workbook for group or individual study. There are some blank pages around the middle of the book for personal notes.
With fifty chapters, at one per week, the ‘course’ will take a year to complete (allowing for two weeks off).

Read what a top Christian book reviewer says:

Buy McKenzie's Companion - A Life-Changing Journey with Jesus   
ONLY £9.99  
follow this link: or click the 'Add to Cart' button below.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Abide in Him

Read the latest Gist contribution - 'Abide in Him'

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Bibles for Muslim Leaders to Build Bridges of Peace in Pakistan

The work of TheWayCM in Pakistan ..... reports....'The director of a Christian organisation (the Apostolic overseer of TheWayCM in Pakistan) organises seminar that brought together some 40 leading Christians, Muslims and Hindus. Grateful for the opportunity to take part in the event, one Muslim scholar acknowledges that Pakistani Christians "love the country" and play an important role in "education and health care." Another Muslim leader says he found inspiration in the teachings and practices of Jesus.'
Multan (AsiaNews) says.... 'More than 40 people, including several prominent Muslims, took part in a seminar on the 'Concept of God in Christianity'. The purpose of the gathering was to improve understanding of Christian traditions and promote tangible ways to build "bridges of peace" between Pakistan's Muslim and Christian communities. Participant received a copy of the Bible as a gift. Held in Multan (Punjab) on 12-15 June, the three-day initiative came from Asher William, director of a Christian organisation, Pakistan Outreach, that promotes interreligious dialogue, social harmony and the word of God.' Read full article

Training and Evangelism
25th June to 30th June 2012 , TheWayCM's Apostolic Team headed by Apostle Asher will be in the north of Pakistan for training and Evangelism. They have two objectives;
(1) To train more then 100 students for evangelism and 
(2) To do evangelism in the streets, market, parks and other public places.
On 30th June Apostle Asher will teach in a Youth Seminar (name places withheld for security reasons). The Apostolic Team want to raise-up an Evangelistic Team from that area. 

Their Mission slogan is to 'PREACH, REACH to EACH'.
Apostle Asher says, 'It's a big task but we have a Great God with us. We are very hopeful that by your prayers we will win many souls for His Kingdom. So, please join hands with us in prayer. Revival is on the way! Pakistan will be saved and we will win this battle.'

Please donate to the work in Pakistan: make a donation

Mission Report

Praise God that the mission led by Apostle Asher and some of the Apostolic Team from Multan Pakistan to the northern area of Pakistan was a huge success. 
Please support the work in Pakistan:

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard

Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web.
Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.
Check out my pinboards here:
To get started, request an invite

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Aglow Regional Day Scotland

Nonni McVeigh
Saturday June 9th was a terrific day of teaching and fellowship with the people from Aglow Scottish Region.
The teaching was led by Evanne (Nonnie) McVeigh, the Aglow Britain National Board President and Liz De Silva.
Liz De Silva

Liz who looks after Finance & Leadership Training. The powerful and anointed worship was led by Amy and the two Sarahs.

I (Rev Peter Stanway) was presented as the newest Advisor to the Aglow Scottish Region and made to feel very welcome by all.
Find out more about Aglow UK here:

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Open Letter to Christian Leaders

As a Christian leader you will be aware that seeing people saved is not enough. Our clear mandate from God is to ‘make disciples out of Christians’.
To help busy leaders, Peter Stanway (CEO of The Way Christian Ministries) has prepared a variety of Christian discipleship courses to do just that.

His latest, ‘McKenzie’s Companion –A Life-Changing Journey with Jesus’ was written specifically for Home Groups and Church Cells. Whole churches and Christian organisations can use it as a coordinated discipleship programme. Read the foreword
The book contains fifty chapters, therefore doing one study each week it will take a year to complete. All the required course material is contained in this one book at a cost of £9.99 (GBP) each.

If you think that you could use this unique course, please contact us to receive a free copy for your perusal. Be sure to include your postal address in your email.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.
TheWayCM Team
On behalf of…. Rev Peter Stanway BTh