Thursday, 29 April 2010

Six New Messages

I have just posted six new messages under the heading, 'Go for It'. They aim to bring you deeper revelation about our relationship with God.
Here's the link to them:
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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Great Expectations

Great Expectations
Isaiah 41:9…… See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.
I don’t think it’s something in the air and it’s definitely not something in the water…. it’s more likely to be something in the heavenlies because God is up to something. Can you sense it in your spirit? I am excited….
That ‘something’ that God is up to is something big…. huge. I have great expectations. Change is coming; it’s springtime. The trees are bursting with life. It is a time to blossom and grow.
In the UK, we are on the threshold of a general election. There is a promise of change from all political parties. People are restless, they are looking for change, they want change.
Ironically, we live in a world that changes constantly; nothing seems permanent. People nervously scurry from one inadequate ‘solution’ to another but in a topsy-turvy lifestyle of extreme changes we are caught-up in a world of lies, excuses, deception and cover-ups. If change is coming, how can we consolidate it? How can we know that, this time, it will be a change for good?
We cannot trust the politicians, or the bankers, or the media or even the weather. In this season of election it is time to vote for Jesus. He alone is the Unchanging One, the same yesterday, today and forever.
I believe we are about to see the biggest wave of global evangelism ever and it will be effortless.
I believe that the Holy Spirit is about to draw unprecedented multitudes into the kingdom of God. Like shockwaves from a nuclear explosion it will start in the epicentre of our own homes and families and continue out to the ends of the earth. Like a seismic aftershock, no-one will be left untouched.
Get ready for this harvest of souls, they will fill our homes and flood our hearts. It is our responsibility to show them Jesus.
Thank you Lord Jesus, we have voted for you to be our leader. Amen.

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Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Amazing Jesus

Check out 'Amazing Jesus' (seven new messages) on my podcast:

Sunday, 18 April 2010

To be Born Again

To be Born Again
John 3:7…… You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'
The phrase ‘born again’ has become so acceptable that it has made its way into the secular world. It is a phrase that is often used and frequently abused. It is maligned by non-Christians and not properly understood by far too many Christians.
Let’s settle the matter right now; what does it mean to born again?
To initiate the process, those who want to be born again must first want to die to their old way of life. Repenting of a sin-filled and self-centred lifestyle, we must ask for forgiveness and believe that we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, whom we believe is the Son of God, who died, was buried and rose again for anyone who chooses to follow Him as the Lord of their life.
This decision will activate our soul to interact with the Holy Spirit and we will be born again. We will be regenerated in our mind, will and emotions. We will be completely recreated anew and become born again Christians. We have taken a step into the kingdom of God; the first step on our journey of salvation.
To complete this initial process we must also be baptised in the Holy Spirit. If we ask, we will receive power from Jesus that will complete our conversion and enable us to follow Him all the days of our life.
The speed of this process and the power that is manifest in our life is determined by each individual. The Holy Spirit will not take over to control our lives but will operate in accordance to how much control we give Him. Even if we surrender completely to the lordship of Jesus, we still set the parameters. The Holy Spirit will not cause us to loose control. He will not override our decisions, our choices or our will. We have self-control. Therefore, we choose how we behave.
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Jesus and to make Him known. As He works in us and through us it is to do just that. As He leads us on the path prepared for us to walk in and, if we choose to walk in that way, He will conform us into the likeness of Christ. In doing so, He will draw all men to Jesus and to the Cross-roads of their own destiny.
Lord Jesus, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to help us to be born again and become more like you. Amen.

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Friday, 16 April 2010


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Intimacy with God

I posted a new episode to my podcast, Peter Stanways Podcast.
It contains five messages that look at the intimacy of our relationship with God and the faith-filled Christian life
Please click this link to hear it:
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Sunday, 11 April 2010

Give Me More Grace

I just posted this week's Gist - 'Give Me More Grace':
Have a fantastic week...

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Take Time

I have just posted a new Episode - 'Take Time'. It contains six short messages that look at the importance of taking time to pray and to listen in every situation and circumstance of our life:
Remember, if you subscribe (free) to this podcast you will recive an automatic update every time a new episode is posted.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Personal Pentecost

Personal Pentecost
Acts 9:18….. Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again.
Saul of Tarsus hated Christians. He hunted them down and persecuted them, even to death. He was a self-righteous Pharisee who learned his theology at the feet of the famous Gamaliel.
On the road to Damascus he was struck blind. There followed a dramatic sequence of events that led to his sudden conversion, the cure of his blindness at the hands of a Christian disciple Ananias and his baptism. Saul became Paul and eagerly accepted his commission to preach the gospel of Christ first to the Jews but mainly to the Gentiles.
Paul was not among Jesus’ disciples when Jesus lived on the earth. After his spectacular conversion leading to personal insight and revelation of the Gospel, he became one of the most zealous early Christians. His missionary letters comprise almost one-third of the New Testament.
Paul had a personal pentecost experience that was every bit as powerful as the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. As a result of which he was completely changed. Surely this is what conversion literally means.
Every Christian needs this experience. We all need our own personal pentecostal encounter with the Holy Spirit. It is only the beginning of our salvation journey to meet Jesus at Calvary, but after Easter comes Penetecost and with Pentecost comes the power to change.
Christians cannot fully function in a Christ-like lifestyle until we have been set on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit; this fire that ignites an unquenchable passion for Jesus.
Have you had your own personal penetcost? Why don’t you ask the Holy Spirit to change you today?
Lord Jesus, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to baptise us with power from on high. Amen.

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Saturday, 3 April 2010


Today, around 2,000 years ago, it appeared to everyone who knew or even cared about Jesus Christ that after a humiliating defeat on Calvary’s Cross, He lay dead and buried in a borrowed tomb in Jerusalem.
It was the Sabbath.
Behind a huge stone that blocked the entrance, Jesus was busy. The cross had been a triumph, it was His place of coronation and not only as king of the Jews but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He had conquered death and was about to rise from the grave….

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Money Matters

I have just posted five new episodes that look at Money Matters from a Christian prespective.
You can hear them at:
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Have a fantastic day.