Sunday, 4 October 2009


100th Video on YouTube this week!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4…….. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles…..
Grieving is a gift from God to help us to cope with loss and bereavement. If we allow the grieving process to run its course our lives will return to normal and we will retain our health and our sanity.
This process for some will take only days, for others it could be weeks, months or even years. It is helpful for us to understand what the process is.
Normally, after the loss of a loved one or perhaps a major lifestyle change, we will initially be overwhelmed by a sense of great sadness. This sadness can lead to confusion and anger and we ask, why did this happen?
This anger can often become self-focused and we begin to blame ourselves and question if it was our fault. This can lead to regrets that we did not do enough to prevent it.
Though prayer and the word of God we discover that it was not our fault and we are not to blame. God brings solace and He comforts us and this leads us into peace. From there we are able to make the necessary adjustments, pick up the pieces and get on with our lives.
Our faith in God brings order back into our personal crisis. He was not to blame and neither were you. Acceptance and trust help us to build our shattered life and we now grieve as one who has hope. We can see light at the end of the tunnel and the future begins to look brighter.
I have no idea how people who do not know Jesus, non-Christians, manage to cope in the midst of a trauma. We do not grieve like those who have no hope.
Lord Jesus, thank you for being our saviour and our peace. Amen.

YouTube video (100th Video on YouTube this week!):
GodTube/Tangle video:
TheWayCMTV Hot Gists on-demand:

Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:

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