Romans 8:26 …… In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
We have already established what prayer is and what prayer is not. Now, it is time to look at how to pray effectively.
Prayer is hearing God and declaring what He says. The key in this is hearing God. Every born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit Christian can hear God, we simply need to learn how to listen. God is so creative that he can communicate to us in any way He chooses.
We learn from Romans 8:26 (above) that one such way can involve the use of Tongues. God wants Christians to have this Spiritual gift; ask God to give you it and He will. Use the Gist Video this week as a catalyst to help you if you do not already speak in tongues and follow this link if you need more help:
However, the focus here is not the gift but the purpose for the gift. When we exercise the Gift of Speaking in Tongues it will stir-up the Holy Spirit within us and when this happens, the complementary gift of the Interpretation of Tongues will help us to understand what we are saying. We can then pray the will of God as revealed by the Holy Spirit and we can press-in deeper as we pray with the Spirit and the understanding.
This kind of effective, fervent prayer is like white-water rafting with the Lord, it has all the thrills and spills of riding the rapids. It is dynamic and exciting. It is overcoming prayer; mighty to the pulling down of strongholds and removing obstacles that would try to block us. It is mountain-moving prayer.
Why are we waiting? Rise up army of God and let us begin to see the kingdom of God advance upon the Devil and his dark, depressing, debauched and deceptive lies that are the foundation of his world.
Passionate, praying Christians are not weak and impotent. We have an arsenal of primed prayer missiles that will hit every target that God helps us to identify. We can destroy the works of the enemy and establish the will of God against sickness, poverty, depravity and hopelessness. The victory belongs to Jesus.
Lord Jesus, shake us out of our apathy and stir us up to battle. Amen
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Sunday, 25 October 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Romans 8:26 ……. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
Prayer is an awesome privilege, it is powerful and life-changing. It is not about mumbling a list of requests or even about dialogue with God. It is about speaking out prophetic proclamations of faith inspired by the Holy Spirit.
If our prayers do not come through revelation by the Holy Spirit, what then are we saying? Jesus taught his disciples (us) to pray in Matthew 6: 9-13 . It is the will of God that we will pray His will to be done on earth and God reveals His will to us by the Holy Spirit. If we are not hearing the Holy Spirit what are we praying?
This is dangerous because what we say is extremely potent. Our words are able to build-up or destroy; to bless or to curse. Our prayers should not come from our minds, they should not even come from our hearts. They should only come by way of revelation from the Holy Spirit.
Yet, as we see from Romans 8:26 (above), many of us do not know how to pray. Sadly, this means that what we think of as prayer can be working against the will of God. Unless we are expressing what God has inspired us to say, our prayers are not only soulish and counter-productive, they can be very dangerous.
It is like giving children a bomb to play with, not only will they destroy themselves but they will damage and destroy much of what is around them. Well meaning but naïve Christians can be doing more harm than good.
To pray effectively we need to spend time in the presence of God listening. When we have heard God speak to us we will know His will and then we can begin to pray as Jesus taught us.
Lord Jesus, thank you for teaching us how to pray. Amen.
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Romans 8:26 ……. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
Prayer is an awesome privilege, it is powerful and life-changing. It is not about mumbling a list of requests or even about dialogue with God. It is about speaking out prophetic proclamations of faith inspired by the Holy Spirit.
If our prayers do not come through revelation by the Holy Spirit, what then are we saying? Jesus taught his disciples (us) to pray in Matthew 6: 9-13 . It is the will of God that we will pray His will to be done on earth and God reveals His will to us by the Holy Spirit. If we are not hearing the Holy Spirit what are we praying?
This is dangerous because what we say is extremely potent. Our words are able to build-up or destroy; to bless or to curse. Our prayers should not come from our minds, they should not even come from our hearts. They should only come by way of revelation from the Holy Spirit.
Yet, as we see from Romans 8:26 (above), many of us do not know how to pray. Sadly, this means that what we think of as prayer can be working against the will of God. Unless we are expressing what God has inspired us to say, our prayers are not only soulish and counter-productive, they can be very dangerous.
It is like giving children a bomb to play with, not only will they destroy themselves but they will damage and destroy much of what is around them. Well meaning but naïve Christians can be doing more harm than good.
To pray effectively we need to spend time in the presence of God listening. When we have heard God speak to us we will know His will and then we can begin to pray as Jesus taught us.
Lord Jesus, thank you for teaching us how to pray. Amen.
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Saturday, 17 October 2009
New Photographs

I have been taking some new photographs.
See the Autumn Collection:
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Be Prepared
2 Timothy 4:2 ……. Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season…..
There is only one way to prepare ourselves to be ready ‘in season and out of season’ and that is to build a lifestyle that is centred on Jesus; a lifestyle that is Christocentric.
How do we do that? We need to practice His presence. From the mundane to the sublime Jesus is our constant companion. He told us that He will never leave us.
Once the revelation of this truly dawns upon us we will begin to practice His presence; talking with Him and Him talking with us, loving Him and receiving His love, simply being with Him as our best friend who, at the same time, is our saviour and the king of the whole universe. He is God. Wow! This is the privilege and the lifestyle of a Christian, a disciple of Jesus.
To help us to know Him better we want to read the bible, the word of God, which is all about Jesus, the Word of God made flesh. However, we do not read it to know Him only in our head, we read the bible to know Jesus in our heart. God the Holy Spirit helps us to do that.
The Holy Spirit inspired men to write the bible. That means He is the author. As Christians, born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit, the author brings the bible alive in our human spirit and, by revelation, we come to truly know Jesus.
By nurturing this relationship we come to know Him intimately. He is the lover of our soul and when we talk about Him to others they sense this amazing love. When we share our hearts with others they catch a glimpse of what they could also have if they become Christians.
Thank you Jesus, you poured out your love for everyone. Amen.
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2 Timothy 4:2 ……. Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season…..
There is only one way to prepare ourselves to be ready ‘in season and out of season’ and that is to build a lifestyle that is centred on Jesus; a lifestyle that is Christocentric.
How do we do that? We need to practice His presence. From the mundane to the sublime Jesus is our constant companion. He told us that He will never leave us.
Once the revelation of this truly dawns upon us we will begin to practice His presence; talking with Him and Him talking with us, loving Him and receiving His love, simply being with Him as our best friend who, at the same time, is our saviour and the king of the whole universe. He is God. Wow! This is the privilege and the lifestyle of a Christian, a disciple of Jesus.
To help us to know Him better we want to read the bible, the word of God, which is all about Jesus, the Word of God made flesh. However, we do not read it to know Him only in our head, we read the bible to know Jesus in our heart. God the Holy Spirit helps us to do that.
The Holy Spirit inspired men to write the bible. That means He is the author. As Christians, born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit, the author brings the bible alive in our human spirit and, by revelation, we come to truly know Jesus.
By nurturing this relationship we come to know Him intimately. He is the lover of our soul and when we talk about Him to others they sense this amazing love. When we share our hearts with others they catch a glimpse of what they could also have if they become Christians.
Thank you Jesus, you poured out your love for everyone. Amen.
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Sunday, 4 October 2009
100th Video on YouTube this week!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4…….. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles…..
Grieving is a gift from God to help us to cope with loss and bereavement. If we allow the grieving process to run its course our lives will return to normal and we will retain our health and our sanity.
This process for some will take only days, for others it could be weeks, months or even years. It is helpful for us to understand what the process is.
Normally, after the loss of a loved one or perhaps a major lifestyle change, we will initially be overwhelmed by a sense of great sadness. This sadness can lead to confusion and anger and we ask, why did this happen?
This anger can often become self-focused and we begin to blame ourselves and question if it was our fault. This can lead to regrets that we did not do enough to prevent it.
Though prayer and the word of God we discover that it was not our fault and we are not to blame. God brings solace and He comforts us and this leads us into peace. From there we are able to make the necessary adjustments, pick up the pieces and get on with our lives.
Our faith in God brings order back into our personal crisis. He was not to blame and neither were you. Acceptance and trust help us to build our shattered life and we now grieve as one who has hope. We can see light at the end of the tunnel and the future begins to look brighter.
I have no idea how people who do not know Jesus, non-Christians, manage to cope in the midst of a trauma. We do not grieve like those who have no hope.
Lord Jesus, thank you for being our saviour and our peace. Amen.
YouTube video (100th Video on YouTube this week!):
GodTube/Tangle video:
TheWayCMTV Hot Gists on-demand:
Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:
New Eternal Radio Player
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On the home page: there is a link that says click to listen on our new pop up player - you need to click that link.
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2 Corinthians 1:3-4…….. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles…..
Grieving is a gift from God to help us to cope with loss and bereavement. If we allow the grieving process to run its course our lives will return to normal and we will retain our health and our sanity.
This process for some will take only days, for others it could be weeks, months or even years. It is helpful for us to understand what the process is.
Normally, after the loss of a loved one or perhaps a major lifestyle change, we will initially be overwhelmed by a sense of great sadness. This sadness can lead to confusion and anger and we ask, why did this happen?
This anger can often become self-focused and we begin to blame ourselves and question if it was our fault. This can lead to regrets that we did not do enough to prevent it.
Though prayer and the word of God we discover that it was not our fault and we are not to blame. God brings solace and He comforts us and this leads us into peace. From there we are able to make the necessary adjustments, pick up the pieces and get on with our lives.
Our faith in God brings order back into our personal crisis. He was not to blame and neither were you. Acceptance and trust help us to build our shattered life and we now grieve as one who has hope. We can see light at the end of the tunnel and the future begins to look brighter.
I have no idea how people who do not know Jesus, non-Christians, manage to cope in the midst of a trauma. We do not grieve like those who have no hope.
Lord Jesus, thank you for being our saviour and our peace. Amen.
YouTube video (100th Video on YouTube this week!):
GodTube/Tangle video:
TheWayCMTV Hot Gists on-demand:
Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:
New Eternal Radio Player
Perhaps you have had difficulty listening to Eternal Radio Online.
I'm sorry you could not get in.
On the home page: there is a link that says click to listen on our new pop up player - you need to click that link.
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Thursday, 1 October 2009
The Weather
I know that we shouldn't be affected by the weather, but don't you just feel good when the sun shines? I do!
The last couple of days where we live in Scotland have been glorious. I have been able to do a bit of work outside around our house (which is for sale) and I have even been able to go for some walks with my wife Nancy. Yes, it feels good.
The trees are beginning to change colour and autumn is on the way. Can you believe it? Autumn already! What happened to our 'BBQ Summer'? There's already a wee nip in the air, soon the early mornings and the nights will have a frosty feel; the starry host will sparkle in a diamante canopy above us.
It's a gorgeous time of the year, the squirrels are going nuts collecting their winter food, the sun's lengthening shadows point the way to the end of British Summer Time - we will gain an hour next month; a last chance to see daylight before the night's start drawing-in and Scotland prepares to hibernate in perpetual dusk and darkness.
However, before that, we have nature's coat of many colours, the majestic splendour of stoic trees backlit in golden sunshine as the last remnant of their summer leaves fall graciously earthward to blanket the ground beneath them, tucking it snugly-in to brave-out the inevitable, unstoppable winter.....
The last couple of days where we live in Scotland have been glorious. I have been able to do a bit of work outside around our house (which is for sale) and I have even been able to go for some walks with my wife Nancy. Yes, it feels good.
The trees are beginning to change colour and autumn is on the way. Can you believe it? Autumn already! What happened to our 'BBQ Summer'? There's already a wee nip in the air, soon the early mornings and the nights will have a frosty feel; the starry host will sparkle in a diamante canopy above us.
It's a gorgeous time of the year, the squirrels are going nuts collecting their winter food, the sun's lengthening shadows point the way to the end of British Summer Time - we will gain an hour next month; a last chance to see daylight before the night's start drawing-in and Scotland prepares to hibernate in perpetual dusk and darkness.
However, before that, we have nature's coat of many colours, the majestic splendour of stoic trees backlit in golden sunshine as the last remnant of their summer leaves fall graciously earthward to blanket the ground beneath them, tucking it snugly-in to brave-out the inevitable, unstoppable winter.....
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