Big thanks to Peter for posting the letter from John Glass Superintendent of Elim about their concerns regarding Todd Bentley due to his promotion of his healing and financial angel called EMMA. I was really troubled in my spirit when I read this even though I knew very little about this man having never heard him on the God channel nor seen him on the internet. After reading all the various reviews both positive and negative I decided to do some research into him and his beliefs. Especially as we are told to check things out like the Bereans did in Acts 17 and to ‘test the spirits’ to ensure they are from God. As 1 John 4 v 1 says:
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (NIV)
In order to do this I looked at who Todd is, his teachings and his associates, seeking to research this in an unbiased and non-critical way to determine what was the truth. I measured the information found against my understanding of what the Word of God teaches. I trust you will do the same. This information is very easy to find on the internet and I encourage you to check out anything I am saying if you have any doubts. Todd Bentley speaks openly about who he is and what he believes and it is up to the individual to decide whether he is a true or false prophet. Like most people looking into this is situation I did not want to miss out if God was doing something exciting but equally I did not want to partake in something that was not from God no matter how awesome it might seem.
From my research I discovered that Todd is part of an elite group of prophets called the Elijah List who include some of the former
This teaching began with the late William Branham who had a ‘revival’ and healing ministry in the 1940’s and spoke and healed people through his ‘angel’. Branham also believed in UFO’s, astrology and ancient Egyptian mythology and is buried under a pyramid! He established the Order of the Latter Rain which was developed and enhanced through a group led by Mike Bickle called the
Other prophets from this group have similar visions and visitations and all of them talk of being translated, transfigured, imparting glory clouds, special revival anointing and having all manner of marvellous experiences many of which seem to contradict the scriptures. (There are no female angels for example.) These descriptions of Jesus as a being of light who appears to them as real as a human being are the same description as Lord Krishna who appeared to A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who promoted the Hara Krishna cult. Angels of light have often appeared as false Jesus’ to individuals over the centuries who have started various religious movements. The bible warns us this will happen saying that Lucifer or Satan is an angel of light! (2 Cor 11 v 14) Additionally the Bible expressly forbids contacting the dead and this practice is known as and part of witchcraft, divination, mysticism and spiritualism. All of these practices bring curses, oppression and eventually damnation upon a person who practices them if they don’t repent. Perhaps not surprisingly some of the most famous former Kansas City prophets who birthed this movement have been exposed as partaking in very serious sins in the last few years.
All of these prophets have regular visitations from ‘angelic beings’, some many times every night! Todd Bentley’s angel EMMA was introduced to him by former Kansas City Prophet
Christians do believe in angels who are described as ministering spirits sent to those who will inherit salvation. Angels sometimes bring messages or protection however there is no biblical precedent for having an on-going relationship or partnership with a particular (female) angel. Very worryingly ‘EMMA-O’ or ‘EMMA HOO’ is another name for Satan! We are to seek Jesus for all our needs, hopes and desires and to look to him to bring us help and finance. God may send an angel to do this but we do not seek or command angels. Angel worship is a big part of New Age and other non Christian teaching and the bible warns us against this too. Colossians 2:18 says;
Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions. (NIV)
These Prophets including Todd also greatly promote dream interpretation, seeing this as the human minds way of interacting with the spiritual or supernatural world. These dreams are not interpreted by seeking revelation from the Holy Spirit as instructed in scripture but through interpreting and understanding the signs and symbols of dream psychology. They produce extensive lists of meanings, the same as those found in spiritualism, mysticism and ‘white’ witchcraft teachings. In order to interpret dreams one needs to undergo specialist training which they sell through numerous books, DVD’s and courses. The bible does speak of dreams and visions and many people have dreams from time to time which they believe are from God. The believer can seek understanding from the Holy Spirit whose role is to guide us into all truth and who always points us to Jesus. As John 15 v 26 says: “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me” and John 16:13 which states: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”
Latter Rain people believe that a new day is coming which will end the old ‘church order’ and herald in a new age. In this new day people will be able to operate in the supernatural and achieve ‘Christ Consciousness’ collectively and will have the ability to live forever. They will subdue Christ’s enemies and rule the earth for 1000 years. Some openly teach that it is the Age of Aquarius or the New Age which we would normally associate with ‘New Age hippies’. According to some sources in order to ensure the old age of ‘the church’ comes to an end a death spirit will be sent out from heaven to kill off all those who seek to stop or hinder this new day coming into being!
Some years ago Prophet
The New Agers also believe in a new breed of children coming to help the earth evolve into a new spiritual age. They call these children Indigo and
The Kansas City Prophets’ followers set up ‘Dominion school’ for their own special new breed children where they were encouraged to laugh, cry and play in the ‘anointing’, have visits to heaven and commune with angels and the dead, rather than do school work.
The Latter Rain Prophets and New Agers believe that with sufficient spiritual and supernatural growth it is possible for ordinary mortals to evolve into a new state whereby we can also live supernaturally and forever and bring the world into a time of peace. The Latter Rain Prophets call this new enlightened spiritual state ‘Christ Consciousness’ because together, collectively, they become Christ on earth. The new agers call it ‘Divine’ or ‘Universal Consciousness’, although undoubtedly it is the same thing!
These Latter Rain Prophets believe that the new age will begin with the return of the biblical Elijah to lead them into the new day. Another Former Kansas City Prophet Paul Cain prophesied that this new age would begin in a Lakeland Florida Revival and despite being under church discipline for his immoral lifestyle was invited to
While there are many different interpretations and understanding of how the end times might unfold from the Word there are no teachings which could be interpreted as the evolving of the human race into something better (quite the opposite!) and ‘perfect seed’ children coming to do this. Nor is there any teaching that the world will emerge into a new spiritual enlightened age. Rather the bible states that the world will grow exceedingly wicked and many will fall away from the true faith and follow false teachers and prophets. The bible teaches that Jesus will come back in person (not as a collective consciousness) to redeem his bride who is the true church.
One of the reasons why so many people are flocking to hear Todd Bentley is because of all the Christian media hype about the healing and miracles he is claiming to perform. Many people are saying “how can he do these things if it is not of God?” Yet in
Verse 15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. 21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
The Bible makes it horrifyingly clear that there will be those who have done miracles and healing and prophesied in Jesus name who are not from him but are workers of iniquity! Do not be deceived! It is not just Christians who claim to have the gift of healing or can do miracles, many other religious, new age and occultist groups do to. The devil appears not only as a roaring lion but also as a beautiful angel of light! The bible says in the last days there will be a great falling away from the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and people will turn to fables and follow false leaders. The bible also says that even the elect (God’s people) can be deceived so be very, very wary.
Matthew 24:23-25 says ……
23 At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. (NIV)
Please don’t just take my word on this or reject this out of hand. All this information is easy to find on the internet as I said. To summarise Todd is teaching that we should attain spirituality by interacting with the supernatural realm. He does not emphasise Jesus or preach from the bible rather he offers anointing, teaching and resources which enable and encourage us to enter into the third heaven and communicate with and receive from angels or spirits and the dead. From these amazing experiences we will enter into a new age of spirituality whereby we might be able to live forever. I am not attacking Todd or these other prophets just explaining what they are saying and why I don’t feel it matches up with Scripture-which leads me to conclude they are the false prophets Jesus warns us about. Todd Bentley’s special anointing might seem exciting and powerful but by his own admission does not come from the Holy Spirit rather from angels and the dead.
If you are thirsty come to Jesus who is offering pure clean water from which you will never thirst again. Get into the bible and read it diligently asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and bring you fresh revelation and truth. Pray for discernment and don’t jump into things without being totally sure you know it is of God. Above all don’t be afraid of these things as apart from the fact that the devil is a liar, Jesus has promised to be with us until the end of the age! (Matt 28 v 19 & 20)
Amen. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus.
There are so many erroneous statements in this I would not know where to begin other than to say that this is clearly NOT an unbiased assesment....not in any way.
Peter, I have been to the Lakeland meetings twice. Could you please supply sources for what you say about Todd Bentley's association with things like "Indigo and Crystal children, Akiane, recent occult tattoos, etc." I know about T.B.'s claims of angelic activity (including Emma!) and associations with people in the prophetic camp, and have always been highly skeptical of the "prophetic movement." I am also deeply troubled by your report that T.B. is claiming divine approval of his occult tattoos. However, despite my skepticism about some of T.B.'s "prophetic" emphasis, I saw a bunch of things in Lakeland that seemed to be of the Lord. Like -- the highest worship of the Lord Jesus I have experienced in years, the gospel preached to the poor, and some very credible-sounding testimonies of healings, salvation, and deliverance. (But, I must also, for the time being, keep the reports of ump-teen resurrections and other equally "mighty works" on hold until more is known about them.) Also, I respect people like Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Steve Hill and others who are not prepared to condemn Lakeland as of the devil but affirm it, or much of it, as of God.
In addition, some of what you wrote above about what Paul Cain said in Lakeland (and I have had deep reservations about Paul Cain's ministry since the Kansas City days), is not accurate. I know because I was there that night. Paul Cain did not prophecy the Lakeland meetings (actually a New Zealand minister may have prophesied the Florida outbreak a few months ago), and I think I remember Paul Cain saying (in Lakeland) that Lakeland was not the "fulfillment" of his well-known "stadium" vision, but maybe a precursor to it. I mention this because I want to know if the other things you said about T.B. are accurate.
I am concerned, as are many, about leaven or even worse in all this. But there is leaven all over the place - just as much in the "sound doctrine" evangelical movement as among the more adventurous charismatics like T.B. All of this has tested me to my core, and if Lakeland turns out to be a counterfeit, I will admit it and warn people I know about it. But what if the Lord really is using T.B. despite T.B.'s blind spots? And what if much of the opposition to T.B. is coming because of his insistence that the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. And what if T.B. is in fact driving out demons in people by the Spirit of God?
So, at this point, I like you remain unwilling to accept the mysticism typical of the prophetic camp (unless the Lord shows me otherwise from scripture). But I sure do support genuine salvations, healings and deliverances, accomplished by the Spirit of the Lord. The fruit of these meetings in Lakeland will be manifest soon enough. Jesus the Messiah is Lord. F James
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I was very distressed in my spirit ………":
Peter, I have been to the Lakeland meetings twice. Could you please supply sources for what you say about Todd Bentley's association with things like "Indigo and Crystal children, Akiane, recent occult tattoos, etc." I know about T.B.'s claims of angelic activity (including Emma!) and associations with people in the prophetic camp, and have always been highly skeptical of the "prophetic movement." I am also deeply troubled by your report that T.B. is claiming divine approval of his occult tattoos. However, despite my skepticism about some of T.B.'s "prophetic" emphasis, I saw a bunch of things in Lakeland that seemed to be of the Lord. Like -- the highest worship of the Lord Jesus I have experienced in years, the gospel preached to the poor, and some very credible-sounding testimonies of healings, salvation, and deliverance. (But, I must also, for the time being, keep the reports of ump-teen resurrections and other equally "mighty works" on hold until more is known about them.) Also, I respect people like Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Steve Hill and others who are not prepared to condemn Lakeland as of the devil but affirm it, or much of it, as of God.
In addition, some of what you wrote above about what Paul Cain said in Lakeland (and I have had deep reservations about Paul Cain's ministry since the Kansas City days), is not accurate. I know because I was there that night. Paul Cain did not prophecy the Lakeland meetings (actually a New Zealand minister may have prophesied the Florida outbreak a few months ago), and I think I remember Paul Cain saying (in Lakeland) that Lakeland was not the "fulfillment" of his well-known "stadium" vision, but maybe a precursor to it. I mention this because I want to know if the other things you said about T.B. are accurate.
I am concerned, as are many, about leaven or even worse in all this. But there is leaven all over the place - just as much in the "sound doctrine" evangelical movement as among the more adventurous charismatics like T.B. All of this has tested me to my core, and if Lakeland turns out to be a counterfeit, I will admit it and warn people I know about it. But what if the Lord really is using T.B. despite T.B.'s blind spots? And what if much of the opposition to T.B. is coming because of his insistence that the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. And what if T.B. is in fact driving out demons in people by the Spirit of God?
So, at this point, I like you remain unwilling to accept the mysticism typical of the prophetic camp (unless the Lord shows me otherwise from scripture). But I sure do support genuine salvations, healings and deliverances, accomplished by the Spirit of the Lord. The fruit of these meetings in Lakeland will be manifest soon enough. Jesus the Messiah is Lord. F James
salemhouseofprayer has left a new comment on your post "I was very distressed in my spirit ………":
There are so many erroneous statements in this I would not know where to begin other than to say that this is clearly NOT an unbiased assessment....not in any way.
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