Friday, 6 July 2012

McKenzie’s Companion Information Bullets

Buy McKenzie's Companion - A Life-Changing Journey with Jesus   
ONLY £9.99  follow this link: or click the 'Add to Cart' button below
  •       Unique Christian Discipleship Course – no computer required!
  •       How is it done? Each participant reads two short relating chapters (they have the same chapter numbers) and then answers three relevant questions contained in the book. Each participant comes together in their Home Group or Cell once a week to discuss their answers
  •      Although the Course can be done by any individual, the Course works best when done by a whole church’s Home Groups/Cells – encouraging unity
  •      McKenzie’s Companion is Jesus. Participants learn to not only be a disciple but also to become a discipler
  •     The Course follows the life of a fictional character (McKenzie) who is ‘someone else’ (not the participant). Therefore, in the scenarios discussed, this encourages people to ‘open up’ to discuss issues (personal or otherwise) that are normally avoided
  •      The Course applies the word of God in practical ways. This may bring challenges that will initiate a change for good
  •     The Course covers most (and more) everyday situations that the participants would be likely encounter in everyday life
  •     The Course equips the participants to successfully deal with life as a disciple of Jesus Christ
Read what a top Christian book reviewer says:
Buy McKenzie's Companion - A Life-Changing Journey with Jesus   
ONLY £9.99  follow this link: or click the 'Add to Cart' button below

1 comment:

Tommy said...

The foundation for growth is in meeting together and this book is a wonderful vehicle for not only Christians but non-Christians to be introduced to the Bible. It is 2 books in one - the book and the study guide, and the price is very attractive. We are told to 'taste and see that the Lord is good'(Ps 34:8) and so I invite you to give this a try, and I'm sure you will not be disappointed!