Sunday, 29 July 2012

Aglow International 1st Men's Breakfast

Aglow International for Men is Apostolic and Prophetic, a Holy Spirit led movement for men to reach out to men just as Aglow has sought to minister to women for more than 30 years... Speaker Dave Birkbeck
Saturday, September 1st, 2012 at 9.45am  Park Hotel, Rugby Park, Kilmarnock
Please book by Wednesday 29th August. Cost £10

Sunday, 22 July 2012

25 Christians Baptised in Multan - Pakistan

Congratulations to all 25 Christians who were baptised this morning (July 22nd 2012) by TheWayCM Apostolic Overseer in Multan Pakistan...
See more photos on Facebook here:
Please support our work in Pakistan:

Saturday, 21 July 2012

The Eagle has landed at Kilcreggan House

Yes, it really did happen! The Eagle really did land in our garden at
Kilcreggan House....

Friday, 13 July 2012

What did you say!

What did you say!? Understanding how easy it is to be misunderstood....

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Determined to Be a Christian Disciple!

Although my new Discipleship Course, McKenzie’s Companion, is non-computer dependent, I have just heard from a friend who is a retired house-bound lady, that she intends to start-up a group who will meet weekly on a free conference call through Skype to do the course.

What a terrific idea! I was both blessed and encouraged when I heard this news. How do you plan to do McKenzie’sCompanion?

Friday, 6 July 2012

News Update July 2012

Episode 60 – ‘My Help’ - Tommy's Latest Podcast
To read and listen to Tommy’s Podcast follow the link below:  

Mission to Northern Pakistan
·         Praise God that the mission led by Apostle Asher and some of the Apostolic Team from Multan Pakistan to the northern area of Pakistan was a huge success: (  Please support the work in Pakistan:

Telugu Translations
·          Praise God Apostle Vinay from Andrah Pradesh - India has begun to translate my short book, New Age Deception into Telugu. He is also continuing to dub some of my teaching videos and they will be broadcast on Grace TV, a Cable TV Station that Apostle Vinay started in 2011. 

To watch some of the videos already dubbed please visit TheWayCMTV India :

Archive Site
·         TheWayCM has created a new website for our archive news. This will allow some of the sites that had become very large to run faster with less content. The Archive Site contains relevant material that is no longer current. Delve into our past here:


McKenzie’s Companion Information Bullets

Buy McKenzie's Companion - A Life-Changing Journey with Jesus   
ONLY £9.99  follow this link: or click the 'Add to Cart' button below
  •       Unique Christian Discipleship Course – no computer required!
  •       How is it done? Each participant reads two short relating chapters (they have the same chapter numbers) and then answers three relevant questions contained in the book. Each participant comes together in their Home Group or Cell once a week to discuss their answers
  •      Although the Course can be done by any individual, the Course works best when done by a whole church’s Home Groups/Cells – encouraging unity
  •      McKenzie’s Companion is Jesus. Participants learn to not only be a disciple but also to become a discipler
  •     The Course follows the life of a fictional character (McKenzie) who is ‘someone else’ (not the participant). Therefore, in the scenarios discussed, this encourages people to ‘open up’ to discuss issues (personal or otherwise) that are normally avoided
  •      The Course applies the word of God in practical ways. This may bring challenges that will initiate a change for good
  •     The Course covers most (and more) everyday situations that the participants would be likely encounter in everyday life
  •     The Course equips the participants to successfully deal with life as a disciple of Jesus Christ
Read what a top Christian book reviewer says:
Buy McKenzie's Companion - A Life-Changing Journey with Jesus   
ONLY £9.99  follow this link: or click the 'Add to Cart' button below