Tuesday, 22 May 2012

I am a Bachelor!

Today I received the good news that, it’s official, I am a bachelor! Don’t panic, Nancy and I are still very happily married. Please read on….
Earlier this year (2012), Rev Denis Plant, Principal of Vision InternationalCollege told me, “I am going to get a Bachelor of Ministry Degree for you based on your work founded on having met you and observing your ministry over the years and, in part, seeing the work you have online and the impact that you have.” The degree is accredited through San Diego University, USA.

This degree has been awarded, in the main, for the Global Training for Life Course and students who do this course can count it, if they wish, as modules towards a degree of their own with Vision International College.
Praise God!

1 comment:

Elaine Armstrong said...

Congratulations Peter! This is a Godly promotion and may the favour of God continue to rest on you, your family and your ministry. Best wishes from Elaine and all at Princess Ministries.

Proverbs 3 v 4

"Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation."
New Living Translation (©2007)