Saturday, 4 February 2012

TFL Centre Multan Pakistan Grand Opening February 20th 2012

The day is drawing closer for the Grand Opening of our Training for Life Centre in Multan Pakistan – the first EVER Christian bible college in that city.
Some amazing help has already come is but there is still a shortfall. Can you help? Any amount will make a BIG difference. Make a donation here:
Thank you.

TFL Centre Multan Pakistan
Grand Opening February 20th 2012

Exchange rate:
10,000.00 PKR (Pakistani Rupees) = 72.39 GBP / 110.68 USD / 87.30 EUR


Internet – Paid (initial set-up)
PC – Already Provided!
Office Desk and Chair – 10,000 PKR
25 Chairs – 37,500 PKR
White Board – 2,500 PKR
Set up costs = 50,000 rupees 
(50,000.00 PKR = 349.76 GBP / 599.87 USD / 420.40 EUR)


Building Rent - 10000 PKR
Internet monthly - 1620 PKR
Utility Bills - 3000 PKR
Principal/Overseer Apostle Asher - 10,000 PKR
Monthly running costs = 25000 rupees
(25,000.00 PKR = 180.97 GBP / 553.16 USD / 218.26 EUR)

Grand total needed for 20th February 2012:
75,000 PKR = 524.64 GBP / 829.74 USD / 630.60 EUR
Thank you

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