Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Making Disciples Out Of Christians

Why we do what we do…..
The call on The Way Christian Ministries (TheWayCM) is to make disciples out of Christians. Why?
We want to see Christians everywhere to come into the full revelation of why they are saved and to see them being equipped and released for that purpose. In other words, we want to fulfil the Great Commission…. go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…..Matthew 28: 19
To give regular support through your bank or PayPal or make a donation anytime, please follow this link:
Your generosity has helped TheWayCM to:
• Establish the first Christian Bible College in Multan, Pakistan.
• Start a cable TV broadcast (Grace TV) in Andhra Pradesh, India.
• Feed 16,000 school children every day throughout Kenya, Africa.
• Send Christian discipleship resources to more that 50,000 people every week.
Read more about what TheWayCM do here:
Please prayerfully consider supporting this work:
Thank you.
Every blessing,
Peter Stanway (CEO)

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