Saturday, 22 May 2010

Important Podcast Message

We at TheWayCM know what it means to be bombarded by emails and we do not want to be one of those who are guilty of doing this.
Our new venture into the exciting world of podcasting has meant a proliferation of the amount of podcasts that we produce both in English and in foreign languages.
To avoid sending you notification of every new episode, it will be better for you, and it will reduce the amount of emails you receive, if you freely subscribe only to the podcast updates that you want to receive. If you prefer, you can ‘become a friend’ or ‘follower’ that is the same as subscribing. There is no catch here, no hidden agenda. Subscribe (free) to what you want and that is what you will receive.
Your podcast options are at this link:
You can subscribe directly to our podcast or, if you prefer, you can subscribe through itunes – again, either way, it’s free.
As we add more podcast options you will receive an email about this, but from now on, you will only receive updates from the podcasts you subscribe to.
Thank you and….. have a fantastic day,
Peter (for TheWayCM)

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