Thursday, 25 February 2010

Virtual Teaching

Last Monday February 22nd, TheWayCM began broadcasting in English into Liberia, Africa – praise God.
The broadcast goes out at 10.00am GMT and you can listen to it live on Skype if you add The Way Christian Ministries to your contacts.
The Skypecast is also broadcast live onto Worship 101.7FM Liberia.
A recording of the broadcast is available on Peter Stanway’s Podcast. If you subscribe (free) to our podcast on iTunes you will be automatically updated whenever we release any new episodes.
There is also an Urdu Skypecast (English and Urdu) every Monday at 1.15pm GMT (13.15). This is also available on TheWayCM’s Urdu Podcast. Again you can subscribe (free) on iTunes. hear our first Liberia broadcast:
Thank you for your interest.

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