The July 17th press release from Yale stated: "This major meeting on Muslim-Christian relations was organized by Yale Divinity School's Center for Faith & Culture under the leadership of its founder and director, Miroslav Volf, together with the director of the Center's Reconciliation Program, Joseph Cumming. A distinguished author and theologian, Volf will co-teach a course on faith and globalization at Yale this fall with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair."
Did you catch that? Volf and Blair are going to teach a course on faith and globalization. Allow me to translate. This means "all religions must agree as one so the One-Worlders can proceed with the New World Order." I believe that what Satan may be doing here is to try and breakdown the standards held by the two religions most apt to reject and oppose Antichrist when he comes. What better way than to start plowing up ground in an effort to get Christians to accept Islam - even if the Muslims silently reject the idea all along?
Muslim clerics know that from Muhammad's time until today Islam has always viewed each and every non-Muslim as "infidels" and members of the "House of War." It is, in Muslim tradition and doctrine, perfectly acceptable to deceive any and all infidels (non-Muslims) if it is for the furtherance of Islam. So, if a movement - suggested by Muslims - causes Christians, including those claiming to be "Evangelicals" such as Dr. Leith Anderson, Dr. Rick Warren and those who gullibly follow their ministries to accept Islam, its teachings, its culture, and most of all, its god then the obstacles for Antichrist are greatly depleted. In the near term, the instant result is that Islam is furthered and the cause of Christianity is the big loser. But as much as this is indeed for Antichrist's system to be working in the confines and cover of "unity" and "peace," the concern of this article is once again the premise that those at Yale are basing their very discussion on. Doesn't anybody up there get it? Their god is NOT our God!
Nevertheless, in the meeting at Yale (which concluded on July 31) was the aforementioned National Association of Evangelicals President, Leith Anderson, Robert Schuller and other high profile Christians who, under the supervision and leadership of the Yale Divinity School's "Reconciliation Program" chairman Joseph Cumming, met with Muslim clerics and in the end declared among other things that Christian should spend one week a year declaring and celebrating the good point of Islam! Excuse me...what good points? If their god (Allah) is not our God (Jehovah) and their religion (Islam) is worthless to save a sinner from eternal hell then what is there to discuss let alone extol?
Abraham have two sons.
1) Isaac ....... decendents are now the Jews in Isreal. From here Christianity starts after Jesus Christ.
2) Ishmael ..... decendents are widely believed to be the Arabs. This is now the heart of Islam.
The God of Isaac and Ishmael is the God of Abraham. How is it not the same?
Vinson - Malaysia
A Response from Eric Barger .....
At the very beginning of “A Common Word Between Us and You” truth and history give way to the oft-used Muslim talking point that their God is actually our God. This is simply and absolutely not so. I will substantiate this below. A survey of history, Islam, Judaism and Christianity all disprove this, the very basis of the Muslim letter.
In my previous commentary, “I Can’t Sign the Letter”, I mention that there are at least two reasons why no Christian leader should participate by signing the Yale letter. Let me restate the reasons here.
First, Biblical Christians have no basis for dialog if the entire discussion is not based in objective and historic truth that both sides agree on as fact.
Second, Biblical Christians cannot compromise if in so doing one capitulates concerning tenets of faith that are immoveable. In other words, doctrine and standards of faith must override our human inclination to try and come into a neutral agreement with the opposition be they secular or religious.
The second paragraph of the Muslim document (below) presents a void that cannot be crossed by biblical thinkers who care for God’s word as well as historical truth. “A Common Word Between Us and You” states the Muslim position – or at least the perception they wish to project concerning who God is. The Muslim world refers to their god as Allah and the clerics who constructed the letter proposing dialog with Christians contend that Allah is the same God that Christians worship, namely Jehovah.
“The basis for this peace and understanding already exists. It is part of the very foundational principles of both faiths: love of the One God, and love of the neighbour. These principles are found over and over again in the sacred texts of Islam and Christianity. The Unity of God, the necessity of love for Him, and the necessity of love of the neighbour is thus the common ground between Islam and Christianity.”
These statements are not based in truth but instead is actually common and widespread Muslim propaganda. Note the statement that both Christians and Muslims love “the One God” so without even reading the rest of the document its very basis is historically fallacious. Though the introduction page of the Koran that I own states that Jehovah and Allah are one in the same but that the Bible has been altered to convolute this fact, it is no stretch to wonder how anyone calling himself a Muslim cleric doesn’t actually know this is false. From this, it is obvious from the Muslim viewpoint which side must bend to arrive at “common ground.”
The Yale letter states, “As members of the worldwide Christian community, we were deeply encouraged and challenged by the recent historic open letter signed by 138 leading Muslim scholars, clerics, and intellectuals from around the world. A Common Word Between Us and You identifies some core common ground between Christianity and Islam which lies at the heart of our respective faiths as well as at the heart of the most ancient Abrahamic faith, Judaism.” In reality however, Islam disdains Abraham. We see the historic inception of the Arab world takes place with the denial of Ishmael as the child of blessing in Genesis 16. Would any honest Muslin look back adoringly and claim alignment with Abrahamic roots? In reality, Islam claims that it was Ishmael and not Isaac who Abram took up the mountain to become the sacrifice. Ishmael is but the out-of-wedlock bastard son of Abraham’s (then Abram’s) faithless sexual fling with his wife’s handmaiden, Hagar.
Genesis 16:11 says, “And the angel of the LORD said unto her (Hagar), Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.” But the passage continues, “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” This, my friends, is a prophetic picture of the attitude, turmoil and lifestyle of the Arab world since long before Muhammad’s time.
Islam’s roots may have ties to Abram but not to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Genesis 17:19-21 clears up that misconception once and for all…all who will believe the Bible that is. “And God said (to Abram), Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.”
In reality, Muhammad was a persuasive political and military leader in his day. Claiming he was troubled by the variance of idols that were worshiped in conjunction with what is now known as the Kaaba Stone (a meteor) in what is now Mecca, Saudi Arabia he set out to enquire through prayer which god was really “the” god to serve. During several encounters which he and his followers had in a cave near Mecca Muhammad proclaimed that “an angel of light” had spoken to him that he was to lead the people to serve but one god and bring restoration of spiritual truth (does this sound at all like what Mormonism’s founder claimed as well?).
Being that there were an estimated 360 nomadic tribes who bartered and found haven at Mecca due to its geographical position those tribes brought not only items to trade but also idols or religious icons which they stationed around the Kaaba there in ancient Mecca. In 629AD, approximately 20 years after receiving the “revelations” in the cave, Muhammad attacked Mecca (breaking the peace pack he had forged with local leaders just one year prior) and cleaned house at the Kaaba. Gone were the idols of all other gods but his. And who exactly was his god? Why, the god of the Quraysh tribe, that’s who. He proclaimed that his birth tribe’s own god was the Allah (or “god” in Arabic) to be worshipped and it was either conform, flee or die. Who was this “Allah” and could it have possibly been Jehovah? Keep reading.
The universal symbol for Islam is a crescent moon. This symbol appears on mosques worldwide and on the flags of many Muslim nations such as Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey. The moon god, symbolized with the crescent can be easily traced as far as 2500 years before Muhammad. It was a powerful and common symbol in pagan worship that has endured for nearly four millennia. According to Mark Hall of the University of Pennsylvania, worship of the god of the crescent can be traced to ancient Harran and Ur where it first received the title it is still known by today. The name of the pagan god of the Quraysh tribe, the god Muhammad installed by the sword, the god whom millions have died because of, the god of Islam – its name is “Sîn” !!! (See Mark Hall, A Study of the Sumerian Moon-god, Sin, PhD., 1985, University of Pennsylvania, “Archaeological photo gallery of the Arabian Moon-God” from Though Muslim apologists try desperately to skirt this issue, claiming that Christians simply do not understand and are looking for a tool to bash Islam with the fact remains that they cannot wiggle out of the crescent, its origins and inherent paganism. However, this is hardly a case breaker. Comparing the texts of Islam against those of Christianity and Judaism is far more damaging to the Muslim assertion that their god is the same deity as ours.
Common sense tells us that if indeed the god of Islam is also the God of Christianity and Judaism then the Koran, the allegedly perfect and inspired text of Islam, would perfectly harmonize with the Bible. But an investigation of this proves otherwise.
Surah (Koran chapter) 4:142: “The hypocrites seek to deceive God, but it is He who deceives them.”
Surah 8:30: “They schemed—but God also schemed. God is most profound in His schemings.”
Surah 8:12: “God revealed His will to the angels, saying…I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers”
It would seem that their god is a deceiving, scheming terrorist - the opposite of Jehovah.
How can a Christian find common ground with Islam when the Koran mocks the Trinity of God?
Surah 5:73: “They do blaspheme who say God is one of three…for there is no Allah except one Allah.”
Surah 5:116: “And behold! God will say: O Jesus the son of Mary didst say unto men, ‘worship me and my mother as gods’ in derogation of Allah?
Not only does the Koran not teach of the same God that Christians and Jews worship but the Koran also speaks of a different Jesus than the Bible! The Koran teaches that Jesus was indeed born of a virgin. He is mentioned 97 times in its pages. However, the Jesus of the Koran is viewed as but a prophet on the level of Moses or Muhammad. Note as well that the Jesus of the Koran did not die on the Cross but was replaced by another individual.
Surah 4:157: “That they said in boast ‘we killed Christ Isa, the son of Mary’…but they killed him not, nor crucified him.”
The Jesus of the Koran is an imposter and not God incarnate. Again, how can a Christian who knows the truth about the origin of the Muslim god and the Muslim Jesus ever consider aligning with such teachings?
Perhaps worst of all is the fact that these Christian leaders who proceed to engage themselves with this unholy dialog have and will continue to do incalculable damage to the cause of evangelizing the lost. No doubt from the promotion of this perceived alignment of Christians and Muslims claiming “common ground” that lost people could certainly deduce that if the Muslim God is also the Christian God then Islam is a viable alternative and a route to eternal life.
In fact, if there was any way to be saved and redeemed from our sins but by the blood of Jesus Christ then the God of the Bible is by far the most heinous god of all! What loving father would send his son to die such a horrible death for nothing and to pay a price that didn’t need to be paid? Isn’t this the real bottom line? Either Jesus is the only way or He isn’t. Christians cannot be faithful to the God and His Bible and also think kindly of Islam, its demonic Allah and false prophet Muhammad.
Just as compelling from the Muslim viewpoint is the question, how can Muslims entertain the idea of dialog and common ground with Christians for to do so is diametrically opposed to their own religious writings!
Surah 5:51: “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another.”
Surah 109:1-6: “Say: 'Unbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I shall never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your own religion and I have mine.'"
Surah 5:59: “Say: 'People of the Book, is it not that you hate us only because we believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to us and what was formerly revealed, and because most of you are evil-doers?' Say: 'Shall I tell you who will receive a worse reward from Allah? Those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He has been angry, transforming them into apes and swine, and those who serve the devil.”
Surah 4:101: “The unbelievers are your inveterate foe.”
It is the ultimate in foolishness to believe that those committed to Sharia Law with its floggings, lashings, amputations and executions will magically be tolerant of Christians, Jews and others. According to the Koran, there can never be compromise with an infidel and that is exactly what Islam sees all those outside their belief system as - infidels. You are either a member of the “house of peace” (Muslim) or a member of the “house of war” (everyone else). Live and let live is not now and has never been a Muslim edict. Just speaking out is enough to bring the wrath of Islam down on a person.
Surah 5:36: “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land.”
Surah 9:5: “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans (infidels) wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity (following the Five Pillars of Islam), then open the way for them.”
Surah 8:60-61: “Against the infidels make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah... Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you. But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah.”
Once again, “peace” means conversion to Islam and nothing less.
I perceive that the 138 Muslim signatories of the document which started this debate are either (1) liberal Muslims who do not believe the Koran and are MINOs (Muslim in name only) (2) Are merely trying to bolster the public image and acceptability of Islam or (3) involved in a finely tuned campaign of deception to draw unsuspecting evangelicals and others into an unholy alliance to further the chief goal of Islam – religious, political and practical world domination. That’s no overstatement. This is what Muhammad taught and what some 60 countries in the world are today operating by. Dare I say, it is the ultimate in foolishness to align with Muslims if we care to also align with Jehovah God. We also have great reason to believe that much of the talk about peace, harmony, unity and brotherhood we hear coming from Muslims today may be a ruse for the Koran expresses that they have perfect right before Allah to deceive the infidels if it is for the furtherance and good of Islam.
In the geopolitical atmosphere today, it is expected that common ground be found. Otherwise, one is painted as a bigot or separatist. But is being a separatist always bad? No, not if truth is the highest objective. This is why the prophet Elijah challenged hundreds of false prophets of Baal and Asherah. Truth was at stake and the real God showed up in an awesome display of power. The Bible is replete with accounts of those who either withstood following other gods or failed and capitulated.
What common ground could the Allies have found and what compromises with Hitler would have been beneficial? What common ground did Kennedy find with Khrushchev and Castro in 1962? What common ground did Washington find with Cornwallis? What common ground does the temple of God have with idols? (II Corinthians 6:16)
World peace will indeed be wonderful. But it will only be authentic and lasting once Jesus returns in power and glory. Have the Christian signers of the ill-conceived Yale document noticed that for the past 5,000 years there has been a consistent void between Jews and Arabs? All of the diplomacy and peace talks are in reality just so much hot air for without one side or the other giving up essential, immovable beliefs no common ground will be found. Only for a short 3 ½ years will Antichrist accomplish the much sought after goal of world peace but then it will only be but a short-lived deception. If there was common ground to be explored, don’t you suppose that the Israelis and Palestinians (and the rest of the Muslim/Arab/Persian world, not to mention so many U.S. Presidents and UN officials) would have found it by now? Certainly. But because these religions serve two uniquely, different masters who both require complete obedience they have not, nor will they find common ground.
A wise and dear friend of mine once told me that purity is the resistance of compromise. This is true in every area of our lives whether it be our morally and ethics, our personal, business or professional life or in our interaction with family and friends, etc. It is certainly true when considering absolute truth and the doctrines that Christians have given their lives for over the last 2,000 years.
Daniel refused to bow down and worship (compromise) with foreign gods. So did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. In turn, God Almighty protected, blessed and filled them with power. They were men of purity. Through all the trials of refusing to budge on what they knew was empirically true, God was doing something else behind the scenes. He was building no-compromise character in them and forging a testimony that would affect the eternal destiny of billions who would read of their exploits. These things will not be said of the politically correct and misguided signers of the Yale letter of compromise. I suggest they would do well to read Paul’s warning to the Colossian church.
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”
- Galatians 1: 8-9
Ah I see then there is two Gods, one for the Christians and one for Islam based on their Holy books...the point I am making is the division is created by absolute interpretations based on the Koran and the Bible.
One must consider
"The Bible has been used for centuries by Christians as a weapon of control. To read it literally is to believe in a three-tiered universe, to condone slavery, genocide and capital punishment, to treat women as inferior creatures, to believe that sickness is caused by God's punishment and that mental disease and epilepsy are caused by demonic possession. When someone tells me that they believe the Bible is the 'literal and inerrant word of God,' I always ask, 'Have you ever read it'?" Bishop John Shelby Spong
Matthew 7:12
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." – Please note the word sums, meaning adding up to a total, this total being greater than the sum of the parts
Luke 10:25-28
25 Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. ‘Teacher,’ he said, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’
26He said to him, ‘What is written in the law? What do you read there?’
27He answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.’
28And he said to him, ‘You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.
The Islam and Christian absolutists will never want reconciliation and will never be able to love their God as they cannot love their neighbour.....a key to this is tolerance and respect
If you read a Holy book and cannot conclude
‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.’
You are focussing on interpretation rather than spiritual truth
Hello, I am clent, I am a real christian. That means we are judgmental like Jesus. Sin is abound and He like we should tell others about sin and try to save their souls. So, here is the truth. Jesus says come follow Him. That means we must obey and be baptiszed in water and Spirit of Christ. There is only one faith, one Lord, one baptism, one church, one Spirit, one and only one God. If I ask you what faith are you will you ask with Baptist, Methodist, Mormon, or Catholic. None of these will be in heaven. Christ's church is not many faiths but one and only one faith. Christ's church is not many different churches but one and only one same churches. The church is married to Christ and takes the name of her husband. Does your church reflect that married relationship honoring Christ in the name? The one and only true church shows the respect and honor to her husband by wearing His name. If what I have said to you is offensive to you then I do not understand. How you can read the same bible, and same words but find different meaning. God gives only one meaning and understanding because He authored the written word of God. Many different writers, but only one Author. Sentence structure was given by God from the beginning and makes language defind to be as a math statement. There is only one right answer and it is God's answer. You and me may be wrong, but God is always right. If you want the one and only true faith, then let us give you the scripture and see the will of God and salvation of your soul. Every statement I have in this letter comes from God's word and I would be glad to take time to show you those verses. clent
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