Galatians 6:8 …….. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
I am amazed that there is a generation growing-up who do not know what sin means. Not only do they have no concept of what sin is, they have no idea what the word means. By this understanding, sin must be an ‘old-fashioned’ word from a bygone era with an archaic language. Sin is, therefore, a ‘Christianese’ word with no relevance today.
What then do we do when we want to lead a person in ‘the sinner’s prayer’? We have to back-peddle quite a distance and begin with an explanation of ‘sin’, remembering to keep it simple (but not patronising) and avoid ‘archaic Christianese’ that uses irrelevant words that hold no meaning.
Here goes……. Sin is a wall that we build, it separates us from God. Every time we do, say or think something that is contrary to the nature of God, we put another brick in the wall. Human beings are born with a ‘sin nature’ – we naturally sin.
Sin can be saying things that are not true (the word ‘lies’ is possibly another ‘meaningless’ word), it can be stealing big things or even little things, it can be killing a person. There are many kinds of sins but no matter how big or small, every one of them puts another brick in the wall that separates us from God.
God hates sin because it separates us from Him. He wants that wall to be pulled down and removed. God loves us all and He loves us all the time but we cannot enter into a relationship with God until we really understand our need to be forgiven, by God, for building that wall.
It can be done.
Firstly, we have to hate that wall as much as God does; every stinking, self-centred, self gratifying brick. When we do, we will also want that wall removed. However, no matter how hard we try we cannot remove it……. We no sooner remove a brick or two and a few more appear that we had not even noticed before.
To completely remove this wall we need to change our lifestyle and to do that we need help. God wants to help us. He sent His son Jesus Christ who has made available all that we need to succeed. His blood, poured out for us at His death, can dissolve every brick in the wall of sin if we ask Him. It can be done in an instant.
When the wall is gone we will know the love of God, it will wash over us and we will do all that we can to make sure that nothing will block it from reaching us again.
God can help us to live like a completely different person. He can help us to make good choices instead of bad ones.Jesus wants to flood our hearts with the love of God. If we look at His life revealed in the bible and live like Him, this love, appreciation and gratitude between us will grow stronger every day. If we ask the Holy Spirit of God to teach us all about Jesus, He will.
This new lifestyle, full of love and freedom, is what God wants for all of us. If you want it, you can have it.
Lord Jesus, please forgive me and take away my sin. Teach me your ways so that I can live like you. Thank you for your amazing love today and for ever. Amen.
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GodTube/Tangle video:
Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:
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Monday, 28 September 2009
Monday, 21 September 2009
The Bride of Christ
Video: (all links are live – click them and see)
Revelation 21:2 …… I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Jesus Christ is coming back for a beautifully prepared bride (Revelation 19:7). The marriage of the Lamb (the sinless Lamb of God; Jesus) will take place in heaven (Revelation 19:9).
Who is this bride? To fully understand we need to go back to Genesis 2:21-22. In order to find the perfect partner for Adam in the primeval Garden of Eden, while he was sleeping, God created her out of Adam’s own body using one of his ribs. Eve came out of the man and she was called woman.
The Christian church is often called the body of Christ. The true church of Jesus Christ has to come out of Jesus, out of His victory at Calvary, out of His blood shed and His body given.
While Jesus was dead and buried for three days after His crucifixion, God was busy re-establishing His divine order on the earth. The prophetic formation of His bride was being made while Jesus, the second Adam, was in a deep sleep. All authority was given back to Jesus, the authority that Satan duped from man in Eden. When Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave, the Son of Man was now the supreme authority over all the earth, just as God had intended from the beginning (Genesis 1:28).
At the point of His ascension back to heaven, Jesus delegated His authority to his disciples, His little church, and He gave them the Great Commission which, in effect, was a re-commissioning of what God had said to Adam and Eve in the garden.
Ten days later, on the day of the Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came in power upon the disciples and all who were gathered in the Upper Room. The result of that was the birth of the world-wide church of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the outworking of the Great Commission.
Since then, the church has been preparing for the return of Jesus to come and take the church as a prepared bride to Himself. To come back to earth and sweep His bride off her feet. To catch her up to Himself in the clouds, enraptured by His love.
The wedding will take place in heaven and there we will remain until the founding of a new heaven and a new earth. In that place the bride and the bridegroom, Jesus and His church, will live gloriously and magnificently for all eternity.
Lord Jesus, we are making ourselves ready. Amen
YouTube video:
Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:
Revelation 21:2 …… I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Jesus Christ is coming back for a beautifully prepared bride (Revelation 19:7). The marriage of the Lamb (the sinless Lamb of God; Jesus) will take place in heaven (Revelation 19:9).
Who is this bride? To fully understand we need to go back to Genesis 2:21-22. In order to find the perfect partner for Adam in the primeval Garden of Eden, while he was sleeping, God created her out of Adam’s own body using one of his ribs. Eve came out of the man and she was called woman.
The Christian church is often called the body of Christ. The true church of Jesus Christ has to come out of Jesus, out of His victory at Calvary, out of His blood shed and His body given.
While Jesus was dead and buried for three days after His crucifixion, God was busy re-establishing His divine order on the earth. The prophetic formation of His bride was being made while Jesus, the second Adam, was in a deep sleep. All authority was given back to Jesus, the authority that Satan duped from man in Eden. When Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave, the Son of Man was now the supreme authority over all the earth, just as God had intended from the beginning (Genesis 1:28).
At the point of His ascension back to heaven, Jesus delegated His authority to his disciples, His little church, and He gave them the Great Commission which, in effect, was a re-commissioning of what God had said to Adam and Eve in the garden.
Ten days later, on the day of the Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came in power upon the disciples and all who were gathered in the Upper Room. The result of that was the birth of the world-wide church of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the outworking of the Great Commission.
Since then, the church has been preparing for the return of Jesus to come and take the church as a prepared bride to Himself. To come back to earth and sweep His bride off her feet. To catch her up to Himself in the clouds, enraptured by His love.
The wedding will take place in heaven and there we will remain until the founding of a new heaven and a new earth. In that place the bride and the bridegroom, Jesus and His church, will live gloriously and magnificently for all eternity.
Lord Jesus, we are making ourselves ready. Amen
YouTube video:
Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:
Monday, 14 September 2009
Ephesians 5:25-27 ……. Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
What is church? Well, without stating the obvious, church is not a building but rather the gathering together of believers in any place.
The Christian church is the gathering together of believers in Jesus Christ who are born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit and where the full outworking of the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit are evident for all to see.
This gathering together is for fellowship, mutual encouragement and edification. The format of church is not a formula neither is it rooted in dogma or doctrines. The believers look after each other to ensure that no-one has lack in any area and the church corporately reaches out to the unsaved in practical ways. In doing so, the reality of Jesus is made manifest in them and His glory is seen by all.
Jesus wants his church to be holy, radiant, blameless and without blemishes. In other words, Jesus wants us to be like Him.
The only way the church can do this is if we are totally submitted to Him. It is only if Jesus Christ is truly our Lord that we can flourish and radiate His glory.
Jesus is preparing us for His soon return, He is coming back for a perfect church that will be like a suitable bride for the bridegroom. Only when we see Him face to face will we be as He is but, until that day, we are getting ourselves ready.
The Holy Spirit is working in us revealing who Jesus really is to us and through us. As we yield to Him we become more like Him and as we become more like Him we are more prepared for His return.
Soon and very soon, we are going to see our King and what a day that will be. We will be caught-up with Him in the clouds and we will be with Him for ever.
Lord Jesus, we want to make ourselves ready for you. Amen
YouTube video:
Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:
Ephesians 5:25-27 ……. Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
What is church? Well, without stating the obvious, church is not a building but rather the gathering together of believers in any place.
The Christian church is the gathering together of believers in Jesus Christ who are born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit and where the full outworking of the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit are evident for all to see.
This gathering together is for fellowship, mutual encouragement and edification. The format of church is not a formula neither is it rooted in dogma or doctrines. The believers look after each other to ensure that no-one has lack in any area and the church corporately reaches out to the unsaved in practical ways. In doing so, the reality of Jesus is made manifest in them and His glory is seen by all.
Jesus wants his church to be holy, radiant, blameless and without blemishes. In other words, Jesus wants us to be like Him.
The only way the church can do this is if we are totally submitted to Him. It is only if Jesus Christ is truly our Lord that we can flourish and radiate His glory.
Jesus is preparing us for His soon return, He is coming back for a perfect church that will be like a suitable bride for the bridegroom. Only when we see Him face to face will we be as He is but, until that day, we are getting ourselves ready.
The Holy Spirit is working in us revealing who Jesus really is to us and through us. As we yield to Him we become more like Him and as we become more like Him we are more prepared for His return.
Soon and very soon, we are going to see our King and what a day that will be. We will be caught-up with Him in the clouds and we will be with Him for ever.
Lord Jesus, we want to make ourselves ready for you. Amen
YouTube video:
Two Weeks Taster:
Faith for a Fiver:
Monday, 7 September 2009
Sunday, 6 September 2009
21st Century Relevance
21st Century Relevance
Isaiah 43:19 ……… See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Without a doubt, the most popular and effective platform for communication in developed and developing countries around the world in the 21st century is multimedia; audio, visual, internet, ipods and mobile phones.
As Social Networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter now favour using The Cloud as a giant virtual data store, televisions and even emails are becoming old-fashioned in the wake of the digital revolution.*
For the church to be cutting edge and relevant to the X and Y Generations of teens to mid-forties we need to learn their language. I am not talking about compromise, I am taking about connection.
We will not connect with the unsaved or make Christian disciples out of the digitally savvy unless we find common ground to build on and, mostly, that ‘common ground’ is found in the world of digital media.
The old traditional model of church is a prehistoric dinosaur for the digital generation, therefore, we have to find ways of communicating the good news of Jesus Christ that takes us out of our world and into theirs.
On no account can we neglect proclaiming the word of God, both written and prophetic, because that is where the power is; the power to heal, the power to liberate and the power to save. However, we must look for ways to present our message in a relevant format.
You will find TheWayCM on many media platforms; video, audio and written. Before the end of 2009 between YouTube , which is predominantly secular and Tangle (formerly GodTube) which is mostly Christian, our Gist videos will have been viewed around 100,000 times. That is 100,000 opportunities to impact lives with the power of God using a media platform that is relevant to the 21st century.
Lord Jesus, thank you for keeping our finger on the pulse of what is going on in the world around us. Amen
*Follow this link to watch an awesome video on the facts:
YouTube video:
GodTube/Tangle video:
TheWayCMTV Channel:
Special Offer – Two Weeks Taster for TFL:
Contact Us:
Isaiah 43:19 ……… See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Without a doubt, the most popular and effective platform for communication in developed and developing countries around the world in the 21st century is multimedia; audio, visual, internet, ipods and mobile phones.
As Social Networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter now favour using The Cloud as a giant virtual data store, televisions and even emails are becoming old-fashioned in the wake of the digital revolution.*
For the church to be cutting edge and relevant to the X and Y Generations of teens to mid-forties we need to learn their language. I am not talking about compromise, I am taking about connection.
We will not connect with the unsaved or make Christian disciples out of the digitally savvy unless we find common ground to build on and, mostly, that ‘common ground’ is found in the world of digital media.
The old traditional model of church is a prehistoric dinosaur for the digital generation, therefore, we have to find ways of communicating the good news of Jesus Christ that takes us out of our world and into theirs.
On no account can we neglect proclaiming the word of God, both written and prophetic, because that is where the power is; the power to heal, the power to liberate and the power to save. However, we must look for ways to present our message in a relevant format.
You will find TheWayCM on many media platforms; video, audio and written. Before the end of 2009 between YouTube , which is predominantly secular and Tangle (formerly GodTube) which is mostly Christian, our Gist videos will have been viewed around 100,000 times. That is 100,000 opportunities to impact lives with the power of God using a media platform that is relevant to the 21st century.
Lord Jesus, thank you for keeping our finger on the pulse of what is going on in the world around us. Amen
*Follow this link to watch an awesome video on the facts:
YouTube video:
GodTube/Tangle video:
TheWayCMTV Channel:
Special Offer – Two Weeks Taster for TFL:
Contact Us:
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Special Offer
Two Weeks Taster
TheWayCM are offering a special ‘two weeks taster’ for our Training for Life course.
We realise that for many of you to make the leap into a ten weeks commitment for a full semester may be too much. Therefore, we are offering a two weeks taster to give you a glimpse of what our TFL course is all about.
Even although a normal semester runs for ten weeks you will still benefit greatly from being with us for two weeks. You will have a chance to get a feel for the course and, based on that experience, make a decision if you would like to then stay on or come back for the full course.
You will have hands-on experience of what it is like to work with a busy international ministry and this will help you to know what area of ministry that the Lord has called you into. You may even consider being part of one of our missions.
The cost of the two weeks taster including full board and lodging is £300
Contact us for more information:
Download the TFL brochure from the links at the bottom of this page:
TheWayCM are offering a special ‘two weeks taster’ for our Training for Life course.
We realise that for many of you to make the leap into a ten weeks commitment for a full semester may be too much. Therefore, we are offering a two weeks taster to give you a glimpse of what our TFL course is all about.
Even although a normal semester runs for ten weeks you will still benefit greatly from being with us for two weeks. You will have a chance to get a feel for the course and, based on that experience, make a decision if you would like to then stay on or come back for the full course.
You will have hands-on experience of what it is like to work with a busy international ministry and this will help you to know what area of ministry that the Lord has called you into. You may even consider being part of one of our missions.
The cost of the two weeks taster including full board and lodging is £300
Contact us for more information:
Download the TFL brochure from the links at the bottom of this page:
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